Through The Eyes of Mary

I love Christmas Carols. There are some great ones and some weird ones. I love Silent Night, but the lyrics are a little strange, 'Round yon virgin, mother and child.' Another great song, with a weird lyric, 'God rest ye merry gentlemen.' And then the great ones: O Holy Night, Joy to the World, O Come All Ye Faithful. One that I was recently reminded of that has some amazing lyrics is Mary Did You Know.  

What a great question to ponder, "To what extent did Mary know about what would happen with her baby Jesus?" Did she know that her baby was going to walk on water? Did she know that her baby was going to heal many diseases? Did she know her baby was going to be the ultimate sacrifice? What was going through Mary's mind when she rocked Jesus to sleep, watched Him take His first step, and heard His first word? 

Perhaps the most telling verse to help answer this question is Luke 2:19, But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart. Mary is contrasted here in this passage with the Shepherds (2:8-17). The Shepherds were amazed, and they went and told people, which is a good thing. But for Mary, it was deeper. She treasured and pondered. To treasure means to "keep in mind," and to ponder means "to reflect on." For Mary, this moment wasn't just a quick passing, a moment in time, a passing feeling. Luke is trying to show us that Mary always thought about Jesus and what she saw. She marveled at each moment, and she let those moments have an impact on her.  

Maybe this Christmas, we could be like Mary. We, too, are invited to treasure and ponder what Jesus came to do in such a way that it changes us, makes us more like Him, and makes us want to worship Him as the "Great I Am."

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